By Shazamme System User
June 18, 2024
As we are now living in a world that has been changed by the pandemic, your employee retention strategy must be better than ever. A pre-pandemic Retention Report by the Work Institue (2019) found that “one in three workers would voluntarily leave their job by 2023”. And this has only increased due to significant shifts in the market due to Covid-19. The effects of the pandemic are going to be felt in organisations for years to come, and so employee retention needs to be a key focus in order to ensure you are keeping your team engaged and satisfied in their roles. Hiring for replacement team members is not something any organisation wants to be doing right now, and so an excellent employee retention strategy is essential. The following 8 strategies will help. 1. Discover Who You’re Overlooking To ensure you are providing excellent leadership for your entire team and making them feel valued, first, it is essential that you find out if you are overlooking anyone in your team. Teams will naturally include individuals with all manner of skills, experience and personality types. But in most teams, there will also be team members who shine brighter than others – extroverts tend to get noticed more than introverts, some team members are more likely to speak up if they have a problem whereas others will try to work through challenges on their own. As a leader, it is essential that everyone is getting the right amount of support that they need and that you are not overlooking anyone. Most leaders will naturally look to middle managers and other higher-profile employees, but to be a great leader, you must ensure the highest level of employee retention – remember that each and every team member must feel valued and supported. 2. Create Unlimited Opportunities for Growth According to a recent LinkedIn Workforce Learning Report, 93% of employees would stay longer with their employer if they invested more in developing their careers. Many employers will get to the point where they have a great team in place and think that their job is ‘done’. But continual training and development is a key part of every employee retention strategy, and we find that talented candidates who look for new roles often cite a desire to develop themselves and their career further as a reason for leaving. No-one wants to be stuck in a role where they feel as though progression is an unlikely possibility. So, invest in robust training and development for your team – it can be anything from personal development training to allowing them time to learn new skills in their sector. 3. Demonstrate Excellent Values and Ethics The most desirable employees are looking for employers with impressive values and ethics. This has been accelerated by the pandemic. We are all thinking much more about what is really important to us; working for a company they believe in is high on every employee’s list of priorities.